Test what I have to place here...
Published on March 3, 2007 By MISTERAMD In Customization Software

I make this topic to see what the rest of us is thinking about the other skin program "StyleXP"

I hope the creators of StyleXP are not going to attack StyleVista (https://www.stardock.com/products/stylevista/)

Also what I'm asking myself, can other skin programs use attributes of others?

I mean can StyleXP use bootskins created by people of Wincustomize?

Also the name StyleXP and StyleVista has just Style common.. I hope TGT Software isn't going to fight us     

on Mar 03, 2007
No they are incompatible with each other.

StyleXP as far as I know is making no attempt to support the skinning of Vista.. they were working on something wuile a while ago but it seems to have gone down the tubes.

I wouldn't look for much more in the way of software or competition from TGTsoft.
on Mar 03, 2007

Stardock has a registered trademark on StyleVista so good luck to them.

On Windows XP, Stardock had intended to have CursorXP, BootXP, LogonXP, and WinStyles XP (for the XP version of WinStyles which ended up being called Theme Manager after TGT Soft arrived on the scene and used the name Style). 

On Windows Vista, we were more careful to make sure that our naming convention got in early enough to not have third party interference.

StyleVista will essentially be the Vista version of WindowFX.


on Mar 03, 2007

Stardock has a registered trademark on StyleVista so good luck to them.

On Windows XP, Stardock had intended to have CursorXP, BootXP, LogonXP, and WinStyles XP (for the XP version of WinStyles which ended up being called Theme Manager after TGT Soft arrived on the scene and used the name Style). 

On Windows Vista, we were more careful to make sure that our naming convention got in early enough to not have third party interference.

StyleVista will essentially be the Vista version of WindowFX.


I'm glad you were faster
Maybe it was better to name it VistaFX. So that users of WindowsFX see directly the "upgrade" to Vista by naming it VistaFX. But you are the chief